Noxious Weed Cost Share
The Longmont Conservation District offers cost-share funds to landowners in their District to reduce or eliminate the infestation of noxious weeds on non-cropped land such as irrigation canals and/or fence rows.
The cost-share is offered as reimbursement up to 50% of the actual cost of the chemicals not to exceed $250 per farm per year with a limit of $500 per individual or entity.
Targeted weeds in Boulder County are: Canada thistle, Musk thistle and Scotch Thistle; Dyer’s woad; diffuse knapweed, Russian knapweed, and spotted Knapweed; Leafy spurge; Yellow starthistle; Purple loosestrife; and Dalmatian and Yellow Toadflax.
Targeted weeds in Weld County are: Canada, Musk and Scotch Thistle; Field bindweed; Dalmatian Toadflax; diffuse, Russian, and spotted Knapweed; and Leafy spurge.
Only chemicals labeled for use on the targeted weed species are cost shared and must be applied according to the product label.
The Longmont Conservation District assumes no liability for any damage which may result from the purchase, storage, or application of any chemicals involved in this cost-share program. Funds will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis according to the date of the claim.
Please see the Guidelines and the Reimbursement Request Form for further details on the cost-share requirements or call the Conservation District Office at (720) 378-5521.