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Soil Revolution Conference


Soil Revolution Conference



The Soil Revolution Conference is an annual conference series planned and hosted by a collaboration of local Boulder County agricultural organizations. 

The goal: to increase implementation of soil health practices and ideally soil health management systems in Boulder County and beyond.

Soil Revolution 2023

Fred Provenza speaks at Soil Rev 2023
Dr. Fred Provenza kicks off Soil Revolution 2023

Citizen Science displays their Undies Test
Citizen Science displays results from their Soiley Underwear Challenge

The Gaugler siblings present at Soil Revolution 2023
The Gaugler siblings present at Soil Revolution 2023

Group looking at rainfall simulator
Sylvia Hickenlooper, NRCS, demonstrates the rainfall simulator
Soil Revolution 2022 Illustration

The Soil Revolution Conference is organized by:

Longmont and Boulder Valley CD Logo

Boulder County Parks and Open Space Logo

City of Boulder Logo


CSU Extension Logo