Mediterranean Sage
Mediterranean sage is designated as a “List A” species in the Colorado Noxious Weed Act. Mediterranean Sage spreads rapidly to surrounding lands, displacing native vegetation and reducing forage for wildlife. One mature plant is capable of producing as many as 100,000 seeds. The plant is unpalatable to animals and is capable of quickly forming dense monocultures. It is estimated that the seed viability for Mediterranean sage is ten years.
How to identify Mediterranean Sage:
Mediterranean sage (Salvia aethiopis) is a biennial with blue-green leaves. The first-year rosettes are covered with woolly white hairs. Second year plants produce more leaves and a flowering stem. The flowering stem can grow as much as three feet wide and tall resembling a candelabra. Clusters of white flowers typically appear at the beginning of June. In the late summer months, the stem breaks off forming a tumbleweed that disperses thousands of seeds.
Mediterranean sage invades primarily rangeland, but will easily invade riparian areas, forests, roadsides, and dry pastures.This invasive ornamental plant prefers south-facing slopes in loose, gravelly, well drained soils.
How to remove Mediterranean Sage:
Hand pull or shovel when soil is moist. Make certain to remove all the roots or at least 2-3 inches of the taproot. Shake off dirt and turn over to dry out. Any flowering stems need to be contained in a trash bag and thrown away.
The Conservation Districts also provide a herbicide cost share program. Up to 60% of the cost for recommended herbicides or contract spraying can be provided to manage this invasive species.

We are here to help
Noxious Weed Crew
The Longmont and Boulder Valley Conservation Districts employs a seasonal summer crew that is available to remove Mediterranean sage on your property free of charge. The crew operates from the first week in May through the second week in July. This crew does not use chemical treatment methods.
Schedule a property visit:
Call or Text: (720) 383-4774
Learn more about cost-share options:
Call: (720) 378-5521