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About Us


About Us



The Longmont and Boulder Valley Conservation Districts are two of 74 conservation districts in Colorado. Partnerships with the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Colorado State Conservation Board allow conservation districts to offer technical and financial assistance to private landowners addressing natural resource concerns on all land uses.

Our History

houses in a cloud of dust
In the early 1930s the United States experienced an unparalleled ecological disaster know as the Dust Bowl. Severe, sustained drought in the Great Plains caused soil erosion and huge dust storms.

The Boulder Valley and Longmont Conservation Districts were created out of the dust bowl era to champion locally-led natural resources conservation. Originally, the main priority of conservation districts was to protect against soil erosion and minimize the chances of another dust bowl.

Conservation Districts help landowners and operators develop conservation plans which include grazing and cropping systems, irrigation water management, rangeland improvements and forest health. In order to protect our ecosystem, the Longmont and Boulder Valley Conservation Districts strive to protect all natural resources for generations to come.

District Staff

Boards of Supervisors

Monthly Meetings

All Board of Supervisors meetings are open to the public.

Longmont Conservation District board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month.

Boulder Valley Conservation District board meetings are typically held on the second Monday or Tuesday of each month.

Longmont Supervisors

Submitted by [user:field_first_name]
JD Burch


Associate Supervisor

Boulder Valley Supervisors

The Boulder Valley Conservation District has a five-member Board of Supervisors.

  • Dan Lisco, President
  • Keith Bateman, Vice President
  • Scott Miller, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Chris Reichard, Supervisor
  • Cindy Domenico, Supervisor